1) 会议地点:上海绿地会议中心(上海市长宁区协和路111号);
2) 会议时间:2015年6月20日-6月21日(周六-周日);
3) 报名途径:参会者请预先支付会务费,同时通过会议网站、电子邮件、传真进行报名。详见“组委会联系方式”;
4) 会议报到:2015年6月19日13:00开始在上海绿地会议中心一楼大堂报到;
5) 特别注意:本次会议限额500名,以预付会务费先后为序,额满为止。
① How to Manage Hemorrhage During Clinical OB/GYN Practice ? (Shingo Fujii)
② Surgical Management or Treatment (Joo-Hyun Nam)
③ Delivering on the Promise of Personalized Medicine (Gordon B. Mills)
④ Novel Agents for Targeted Therapy in Gynecologic Oncology (Anil K. Sood)
⑤ 妇科肿瘤临床诊治的“四化”原则 (郎景和)
⑥ 妇产科领域的精准医学理念与导向 (徐丛剑)
① Fertility Sparing Surgery for Ovarian Cancer (Joo-Hyun Nam)
② Genomic and Proteomic Analysis of Ovarian Cancer (Gordon B. Mills)
③ What Have We learned from the Cancer Genome Atlas?(Anil K. Sood)
④ Mouse Models of Ovarian Cancer: Biological Insights and Translational Applications (Kathleen R Cho)
⑤ Immuno-imaging and Therapy Against CD248 for Precision Medicine of Ovarian Cancer (Chunsheng Li)
⑥ 妇科手术论剑 (宋磊)
⑦ 卵巢癌诊治新探索 (马丁)
⑧ 盆腔浆液性癌的相关性 (孔北华)
⑨ 卵巢癌治疗的实验研究探讨 (孙红)
⑩ 妊娠滋养细胞肿瘤的综合治疗策略 (鹿欣)
① Okabayashi'sRadical Hysterectomy and Nerve Sparing Radical Hysterectomy (Shingo Fujii)
② Updates on the Nerve-sparing Radical Hysterectomy by Open and Robotic Approaches (樱木范明)
③ Robotic Surgery in Gynaecology Oncology (Hextan Yuen Sheung NGAN)
④ Targeting Metabolism for Cancer Treatment (Zhen Fan)
⑧ miRNA与宫颈癌:从作用机制到临床应用 (谢幸)
① Fetal Life, Consequences for Adult Disease (GöranKrispinLingman)
① Mechanisms of Endometriosis Related Pain,Endometriosis-associated Pain (Sylvia Mechsner)
② Clinical Management of Endometriosis Patients, Medical Treatment of Endometriosis in Japan (Tasuku Harada)
③ Hypoxia and Its Impact on the Development of Endometriosis (Sean SJ Tsai )
④ 子宫内膜异位症中受损NK细胞的细胞毒性作用研究 (郭孙伟)
① Case Manager: a Model to Provide Individualized Care to Those with Cancer or Other Chronic Illness? (EvyIngalill R.Hallberg)
② The Use and Miss-use of Technology-What is the Evidence? (Elizabeth LouisaCrang-Svalenius)
③ The Development of Pregnant Women-centered Services in New Zealand (Maggie O'Brien)
① The Effect of Position on Maternal and Fetal Physiology (Peter Stone)
② AntiphospholipidAntibodies and the Placenta in Obstetric Disease (Larry Chamley)
③ Trophoblastic Debris and Preeclampsia (Qi Chen)
⑤ 辅助生殖技术不同移植策略对新生儿结局的影响 (孙晓溪)
五星:虹桥美爵酒店(零售价600元±/间)离会场4千米,仙霞路369号,订房电话:王女士 18501680006
四星:虹桥宾馆(零售价550元/间)离会场5千米,延安西路2000号,订房电话:王女士 13917525381
1) 金庭庄园酒店(零售价388元±/间)离会场150米,30-40间房,协和路1号,订房电话:021-52186161
2) 艾琴精品酒店(零售价358元±/间)离会场943米,20-30间房,需早定,仙霞西路299弄1号楼5楼 订房电话: 021-52188055
3) 格林豪泰酒店(零售价368元±/间)离会场900米,约20间房,需早定,淞虹路672号 订房电话:021-52180057
1) 预先汇款:全国各大银行均可汇款,汇款时请注明:“RHF会务费”、“参会者姓名”及“单位名称”;
2) 报到时带好汇款原始凭证,账号见下“组委会账号”;